Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Hump-day stylin'

So its Wednesday and not much is happening but I thought I'd share a pic of a new top that I just adore. The awesome thing is that it was so cheap from a random little store and it's in one of my favourite colours - mint green.  (Although I actually call it ocean green because the oceans where I live are often this colour.)
I apologise in advance for the average photography, unfortunately I don't really have anyone around to snap pics of me when I'm looking stylish. I also don't own a full length mirror to show you the whole outfit,  so I will tell you.
I wore it with jeans,  brown brogues and a beautiful antique locket that my amazing friend gave me.  Since summer is on my doorstep, I can't wait to pull out some cute shorts to style it with!
Hope you're all having a good Wednesday!
Cassandra :-D