Friday, 18 May 2012

DIY lace and ribbon shoelaces

Winter is knocking on our door which means scarves, gloves, coats, hats and most importantly boots! I happened to walk into a shoe store the other day and I found these on sale for $27.

 I wanted to make them a bit more exciting so I thought I would make some lace shoelaces.

You will need ribbon (in the colour of your choice), lace (in the colour of your choice), matching thread and a needle (or sewing machine).  I used 10mm wide ribbon which was perfect for these shoes.

  • I cut the ribbon to the length I wanted and cut the lace to 10cm longer than the ribbon.  The lace was cut to 2cm wide.

  • Since the holes in the shoe were quite small I decided to thread the ribbon first and then hand sew the lace onto the ribbon, leaving a lace bow.

  • I started to sew the lace about 5cm from the base of the lace, leaving enough room to loosen the laces.  I had to figure out the hard way that I needed to leave room at the top.

As you can see, my first attempt was lopsided.

  • I did a few folds at the start of the laces to give it more texture and then I continued to sew the lace straight against the ribbon. 

This is the end result. 

Voila! Simple but funky! I also wore these shoes in my photo shoot here.

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